At the Mexico Farewell Party *, I had my last chance to talk to all my Stampin’ Up! peeps including corporate personnel and other demonstrators that all feel like family when we’re together. Before the party, we watched a show highlighting the cultural history of Mexico at the Xcarat park. It was too long for my taste, but most of the music and dancing was fun to see.
After the show, they lead us through the park to our private Mexico farewell party. Tim went back to the hotel…he would have been bored since it was mostly me having conversations with my demo and headquarters friends.
I had to laugh at this photo of me and Kristina…I guess my hair is the color of a thatch roof…I can’t tell where my hair ends the the roof begins.
Had to get one last photo with Sara…
Me and Jill…
They always tell us there will be some food…which means there will be a feast! There were many food stations all around the room plus a live band.
I always make a few new friends too. This is Gillian from California. Tim and I hung out with her and her husband at the park the day before.
I can’t wait to see all of my Stampin’ Up! family again at the next event…probably next March in North Carolina.
Happy Stampin’
*The claims published here are not representative of the typical Stampin’ Up! demonstrator. The level of sales required to achieve the incentive trip is accomplished by less than .001 percent of Stampin’ Up! demonstrators.