Yay! My boxes of new paper organization arrived! I’ve been living with 2 piles of designer paper that I have to sort through every time I want to find a particular pack of designer paper. So, I bit the bullet and ordered 2 new paper holders from Stamp-n-Storage. They arrived yesterday…so, I unpacked them right away.
Here’s what my shelves looked like before. And, I was keeping my paper piles in other spots that were hard to look through. Actually, I was sorting them on the floor when I needed some paper!
I decided to purge and rearrange some items so the paper holders would be in the most convenient spots on my IKEA shelves. Here’s the finished shelves (minus the paper which I loaded after the photo). My 2 stacks of paper wound up fitting perfectly in the new paper organizers with room to spare! Now, at a glance I can find the packages I’m looking for and know how many of each package I have.
I still have some arranging and purging to do in the rest of my shelf bins, but that’s for another day. For now, I’m happy and love my new paper organization!
Happy Stampin’